FAQ for new families to RMC

Frequently Asked Questions to assist families in preparing for admission to RMC in 2025

Will there be an Orientation Day for new students?

Orientation Day will be held on Tuesday 28 January 2025. For full details and requirements, please view the Orientation Day 2025 page here.

Uniform Requirements for the start of the school year

  • Formal Uniform is required for Orientation Day and the first day of the school year.
  • From Day 2, Students in Prep to Year 4 will wear the uniform specified on their schedule. You can view the Uniform days for Prep to Year 4 here.
  • All Year 5 to Year 12 students wear the Formal Uniform to and from school each day unless directed otherwise by the College Principal.

When will my child/children know what House they have been allocated to?

All new students will be allocated to a House before their commencement. Current students' siblings are allocated to the same house as their brothers and sisters. To check your child's House allocation, please get in touch with our Enrolments Team.

Click here for information on our Houses

When do I receive my Parent Lounge access codes?

Access details, including username and password, will be emailed to parents prior to Orientation Day (Tuesday, 28 January 2025). Please ensure that you have provided the College with a current email address so that this information can be communicated to you. You can contact the Enrolments Team for any queries or to reset your password. Email the team here.

When do I pay my fees?

Parents and Guardians will receive an invoice at the commencement of each school term. Payment can be made via BPay, direct debit, bank transfer or by visiting our Administration Office to pay in person. Invoices will be emailed to families and available on your Parent Lounge Portal.

To download our Fee Schedule for 2025, please click here

Direct Debit of Fees: To set up a direct debit payment arrangement, please email our Finance Team.

How do I receive communication from the College?

To ensure that all families are informed of important information and activities during the school year, the following tools are available: the Parent Lounge Portal and email communication.

  • RMC Smartphone App – download free from the App Store for Apple devices or from Google Play for Android devices. Please enable notifications in your device's settings. The App provides a direct link to College newsletters, notices, events calendar, Parent Lounge, services such as the Retail Centre and Tuckshop and a valuable contacts list.
  • Facebook Group: Join MY RMC COMMUNITY, a closed Facebook group for current College families.
  • College website – The college website contains valuable information such as news stories, event information, alerts and notices and term dates.
  • Email and SMS—The College regularly emails families with important letters and information, and occasionally, an SMS is sent to parents. You must advise us of changes to your email and mobile. Changes can be made via the Parent Lounge Portal or by emailing our Enrolments Team. Remember to check your junk or spam folder and add Rivermount College to your safe senders list.

How do I know what Uniforms to buy?

Our Personal Appearance and Uniform Policy provides a list of essential Uniform items for formal and sports attire. A uniform pricelist is also available. To access these documents, please click here.

We encourage all families to purchase items through our Retail Centre, where the friendly Retail staff can assist you with sizing and quantities. If purchasing second-hand, we remind families that uniforms must meet our standards, and the College is unable to guarantee the quality of items sourced outside our Retail Centre. Second-hand items are available through the College; feel free to ask the Retail staff about availability.

Did you know that our Retail Centre now operates a Facebook Page for Second-hand items. You can join the group here. Our second-hand items are in excellent condition and meet our standards as outlined in the Uniform Policy.

What days of the week will my child wear their formal and sports uniform?

All students from Year 5 to Year 12 must wear their formal uniform to and from school each day. Students must purchase a sports bag and change before and after their physical education lesson.

Set days for each uniform are scheduled for students in Prep to Year 4. You can access the schedule here.

How do I find my child/children's booklist and order the items I need for 2025?

Our Retail Centre stocks all the items your child/children will need. The booklist can be downloaded here.

Please note that pre-ordering of book packs is completed before the end of 2024. To pre-order, please use the Flexischools website. Instructions are available here.

What do I cover my child/children's books with?

All books used for writing should be covered. This can be with contact, slip-on book covers, or decorated coverings appropriate for school. All items should be named. Textbooks should be covered with clear contact and also named. Diaries should not be covered.

How do I arrange a laptop for my Secondary School student?

The College coordinates the 1-to-1 Laptop Program. All new students receive a laptop upon commencement. Parents must sign the laptop agreement to enable the device to be distributed in the first week of Term 1. Please read the details and download the agreement HERE

Where do I park to drop off and collect my child/children?

Kindy: Please use the dedicated Kindy carpark directly outside the Seedlings Centre. If this carpark is full, please use the Primary carpark located near the swimming pool

Prep—Year 6: The Primary carpark is adjacent to the College Swimming Pool. This area also includes a drop-n-go facility, which we encourage families to use. 

Secondary School: For secondary students, please use the carpark located near the sports courts, which is accessible past the Administration Building, or the Middle School carpark and drop'n'go, which is located at the rear of the Colin Young Community Centre (CYCC) and is accessible via Belair Drive.  

How can I find out about Buses and transport for 2025?

The College is supported by a network of bus services for different areas. Please view the transport information for the College here

Is there a calendar of events available so I can plan my year?

We provide families with details of events at the College via the website and the App. You can access the current calendar here and view Important Dates, such as term dates here. A handy fridge magnet calendar is also available for families and includes special events, term dates, public holidays, pupil-free days, and important staff contacts. You can collect your fridge calendar in January from the Retail Centre or Administration Office.

My child is interested in co-curricular activities. How do I find out more about these activities?

Visit the Cocurricular page and the Performing Arts Tuition page to access information and application forms. To join a team or club, please contact the relevant staff member or watch for the notices communicated via our App. 

For information on our sporting program please view the link to RMC Sport

I need Outside School Hours Care, what do I do?

TeamKids provides our Before and After School Care and Vacation Care programs. The service runs from 6:00am to 6:00pm during Term Time and is available for Kindy to Upper Primary. You can apply directly to TeamKids here

To view the flyer with information on our OSHC Program, visit our TeamKids page here

Our Library is open after school for Upper Primary and Secondary School students! It is open Monday through Thursday until 5:00 p.m. and until 4:30 p.m. on Friday.

Do you provide families with a newsletter?

The College uses real-time news in a digital format. News stories, including videos and photos, are uploaded to the news section of our website as they happen. You can read the stories via the website or from our smartphone App. Photos of events will also be placed in albums on the Parent Lounge Portal.

Visit RMC News


Parents and Guardians must notify the College of student absences before 8:20am. Notification can be made using one of the following options:

Option 1: Complete the absentee notification via the Parent Lounge Portal. Go to Student Details | Attendance and complete the online form

Option 2: Email studentservices@rivermount.qld.edu and provide details of your child/children’s name, year level and reason for absence.

Option 3: Please phone 3287 0099 and leave a message with your child/children’s name, year level and reason for absence.

If a student is not present for the morning roll call and the College has not received a notification, an SMS message will be sent to parents and guardians.

Late Arrival and Early Pickup Procedure:

All students from Prep to Year 12 are required to notify Student Services if they arrive on campus after 8:30 a.m.  Kindy students will go to the Seedlings Centre and sign in via the OWNA App.

If your child is required to leave the College before the conclusion of the school day, they must sign out and be collected from Student Services. This applies to all Prep to Year 12 students.