Our Vision, Mission and Objectives

To guide and encourage all students to realise their God-given potential. To achieve this within an inclusive, safe, and authentic learning environment where relationships between all community members are strengthened through mutual respect, understanding and acceptance.

— The Vision of our College Founders

Our Mission

Since its establishment, Rivermount College has been committed to providing an educational institution of the highest standards with a strong focus on practical Christianity, Indigenous Education, Social Justice and the Environment. 

The College's vision is that, through the provision of a holistic, caring, inclusive and values-based environment, students will develop a passion for life and a love of lifelong learning. 

Central to the mission of the College is the provision of opportunities and experiences that will enable each student to realise their full potential.

The underlying principles of the College Mission Statement are:

  • To provide a holistic and unified approach to learning and living that acknowledges that all areas of life, including spiritual, academic, social, emotional, creative, and physical, are integrated.
  • To teach our students that Christianity is a way of living to be enjoyed as our Creator intended rather than a system of religious belief.
  • To embrace and strengthen cross-cultural connections, particularly with the Indigenous community, so we can live together in peace and harmony in this wonderful country.
  • To encourage the community to take full responsibility for the natural environment and nurture and care for it for future generations.

Our Aims and Objectives

Rivermount College is operated by Rivermount Education Limited, a public company limited by guarantee. The objects of Rivermount College are taken from the Constitution of Rivermount Education Limited.

Teaching and non-teaching staff appointed to Rivermount College undertake to subscribe to these objects at all times and to the curriculum expectations resulting from these objects.


To provide a holistic and integrated approach to education and other related activities where the aim is to educate and train the whole person by integrating the intellectual, spiritual, emotional, physical and social aspects of education and training from a biblical perspective based upon the following aims and objectives:

  1. the development of the intellectual potential of all students by promoting in students intellectual integrity, respect for truth, openness to reality and other scholarly virtues and aiming to provide the students with a mastery of the basic subjects and skills while guiding individuals towards their levels of achievement and understanding in the main areas of human knowledge;
  2. the promotion within any educational institution carried on or maintained by the company of a community of faith based on a belief in God and the provision of religious worship, services and teaching in conformity with the Christian faith;
  3. the provision of opportunities for all students to develop full and effective social and personal relationships, which will enhance the development of self-confidence, acceptance, personal dignity, positive attitudes and emotions, optimism, self-esteem, sensitivity, appreciation of goodness, compassion and service to others;
  4. the provision of skills and interests for students which will promote physical fitness and which will assist them in making optimum use of their leisure time during their school and effective later in adult life; and
  5. Promoting and fostering genuine human relationships amongst students, staff, parents and others associated with the Company.


To provide such educational, vocational and community development courses as may be desirable to educate, teach and inform students of all ages, race or creed without distinction to the highest standard of education including but not limited to the education of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders;


To promote develop and assist in educational, cultural, sporting and extra-curricular activities of all kinds and to disseminate information concerning any such activities including but not limited to courses having the objective of promoting a greater awareness of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders, their history, conditions and general welfare and education and the harmonious relationship and co-existence of aboriginal and non-aboriginal people alike and the elimination of cultural alienation, racism and negative social attitudes.