Updates & Alerts

How to stay updated at RMC

Weather Event Watch | Cyclone Alfred

For emergency assistance, call the Queensland State Emergency Service (SES) on 132 500 (for help with storm damage, rising flood water, fallen trees on buildings or roof damage). Refer to associated warnings for Queensland at http://www.bom.gov.au/australia/warnings.

Cyclone Alfred Update | College Closed Thursday and Friday

As directed by the Queensland Premier, Rivermount College will be closed on Thursday 6 March and Friday 7 March. 

An assessment of the campus following Cyclone Alfred will be made with regards to safety and accessibility and details regarding the re-opening of the College will be communicated to families.

Please stay safe during this time.

Notice to Community | Released 4 March 2025

Following the advice from the Queensland Government today, the College will remain open on Wednesday 5 March. Premier David Crisafulli will provide a further update tomorrow regarding ongoing precautions and possible school closures as tracking of the cyclone continues. Families will be notified if a decision to close the College is made. Any school closures will also be published on the Queensland Government's School Closure website - https://closures.qld.edu.au/

We continue to urge the College community to remain vigilant and prepared as follows:

  • Families concerned about school attendance are encouraged to keep their child/children at home and advise the College utilising our absentee process.
  • Remember to prioritise your safety when considering travel and take every precaution when commuting.
  • Check the College App, website, and closed Facebook group for important updates.
  • Follow the advice provided by your local council and government advisory organisations.

Please stay safe during this time.

Notice to Community | Released 3 March 2025

Due to the current modelling and forecast for Cyclone Alfred, the College will closely monitor the impact of proposed weather conditions on the campus operation later this week. Severe weather is anticipated to impact the local area from Wednesday afternoon to Friday. The College will be guided by the relevant government bodies concerning any proposed closures, and we will communicate this to families accordingly.

Updates will be communicated to families via the College App, website, and the closed Facebook Group, My RMC Community.

Parents concerned about school attendance during this weather period can elect to keep their children at home. Please notify the College of any absence via one of the following methods:

Preferred method: To ensure our College phones are not impacted by heavy call traffic, please utilise the absentee function on the Parent Lounge Portal.

Go to Parent Lounge | Student Details | Attendance | Add Absence Notification

Student Services notification: Absentees can be notified by email to studentservices@rivermount.qld.edu.au.

If the above options are unavailable, please contact Student Services on 3287 0099 and record a message detailing the absence.

To stay updated on Cyclone Alfred, please regularly check the weather and news updates provided by the Queensland Government. Useful links are available below.