Oct 12, 2022

RMC Student tops the State | Suncorp ESSI Money Challenge

Year 9 student Jensen Barclay Ford is celebrating his recent success in the Suncorp ESSI Money Challenge after winning the Queensland Division of the game and securing 5th place in Australia.

All Business students from Year 7 through to Year 9 were invited to participate in the 2022 competition. The challenge enabled students to practice real-life financial transactions as they explored and learned the basic financial management concepts of earning, saving, spending, and investing.

The Suncorp ESSI Money Challenge (Spending, Saving and Investing) is an online game that promotes financial literacy among Secondary School students in Australia, allowing them to better understand how their choices affect their financial situation.

Rivermount College Business Teacher Mr Robert Mulder shared the value the game brings to students. "This is an excellent educational tool that combines an academic experience with pragmatic financial decisions, " he said.

Congratulations to all participants and especially to our new State champion, Jensen.