Feb 22, 2021

Starlight Super Swim by the Starlight Foundation

The College would like to highlight five students who have signed up for the Starlight Super Swim fundraising program, a collaboration run by the Starlight Foundation, whose fundraising aspirations are designed to support and bring happiness to chronically ill children.

Known as the ‘River Rays’, Abigail Robertson, Lachlan Astridge, Evan Kennedy, Cassandra Robertson and Mia Sullivan are swimming to raise money for this worthy cause, recording the laps swum during their regular training sessions. Each lap will get them closer to their fundraising goal and help to facilitate their desire to improve the lives of other similar aged children, who do not get to experience childhood in the same wonderful way as they do.

To support this fantastic cause, you can help the students reach their fundraising target by using this link: https://www.superswim.org.au/t/rivermount-rays to donate via their fundraising page. 

Alternatively, you can visit the Starlight Super Swim website, search for the team name, ‘River Rays,’ and place your donation there. 

Donations close on Wednesday 24 February 2021.

Good luck to each of the students on their positive endeavours.
