July 28, 2021

Primary and Secondary Sports Awards

Congratulations to the following students from the Primary and Secondary Schools that received an award for the sports of Volleyball, Basketball, AFL, Swimming, Netball, Touch Football, Soccer, Indoor Cricket and Cross Country. The College congratulates all teams that participated in the Term 1 and Term 2 rounds of GBC Primary and GBC Secondary sport.


Term 1

Boys Volleyball
Junior Seconds Most Improved Player - Tayt Kruger
Junior Firsts Most Improved Player - Ethan Hall
Intermediate Seconds Most Improved Player - Austin Barrett
Intermediate Firsts Most Improved Player - Ryhan Morgan
Senior Seconds Most Improved Player - Heath Rankmore
Senior Firsts Most Improved Player - Noah Cottrell
Junior Seconds Most Valuable Player - Tomas Kosik
Junior Firsts Most Valuable Player - Jacob Kosik
Intermediate Seconds Most Valuable Player - David Kelso
Intermediate Firsts Most Valuable Player - Reuben Pratt
Senior Seconds Most Valuable Player - Declan Corner
Most Promising Junior Player - Kayd Emery
Volleyball Player of the Year - Joel Bennett
Girls Basketball
Junior Seconds Most Improved Player - Shiloh Smith
Junior Firsts Most Improved Player - Emily Crowther
Intermediate Seconds Most Improved Player - Felicity Hird
Intermediate Firsts Most Improved Player - Evie Scharenguivel
Firsts Most Improved Player - Annabelle Ross
Junior Seconds Most Valuable Player - Taylah Anderson
Junior Firsts Most Valuable Player - Sophie Anderson
Intermediate Seconds Most Valuable Player - Imogen Hohnke
Intermediate Firsts Most Valuable Player - Breanna Dwyer
Most Promising Junior Player - Keira Dwyer
Basketball Player of the Year - Amber Pritchard
Girls AFL
Most Improved Junior Player - Maddelyn Micjan
Most Improved Senior Player - Brandi Johnson
Most Valuable Junior Player - Esme Wyer
Most Promising Junior Player - Bella Davis
Player of the Year - Kate Murton
Boys AFL
Junior Most Improved Player - Noah Paterson
Open Most Improved Player - Hayden Rowe
Junior Most Valuable Player - Kyeson Stewart
Most Promising Junior Player - Fletcher Morris
Boys AFL Player of the Year - Evan Kennedy
Coaches Encouragement Award - Austin Barrett
Most Improved Junior Swimmer - Mia Sullivan
Most Improved Senior Swimmer - Abigail Robertson
Swimmer of the Year - Mitchell Kennedy


Term 2

Girls Netball
Junior Seconds Most Improved Player - Katie Dart
Junior Firsts Most Improved Player - Emily Crowther
Intermediate Seconds Most Improved Player - India Gould
Intermediate Firsts Most Improved Player - Piper Armstrong
Senior Seconds Most Improved Player - Cassandra Woods
Senior Firsts Most Improved Player - Sarah Vilumsons
Junior Seconds Most Valuable Player - Maddison Hayes
Junior Firsts Most Valuable Player - Ashlyn Kennedy
Intermediate Seconds Most Valuable Player - Gracie Dummer
Intermediate Firsts Most Valuable Player - Cassandra Robertson
Senior Seconds Most Valuable Player - Olivia Armstrong
Most Promising Junior Player - Keira Dwyer
Netball Player of the Year - Chelsea Dodd
Boys Touch Football
Junior Seconds Most Improved Player - Micah Thorpe
Junior Firsts Most Improved Player - George Dunn
Intermediate Most Improved Player - Scott Osborne
Senior Firsts Most Improved Player - Brendan Nash
Junior Seconds Most Valuable Player - Kyeson Stewart
Junior Firsts Most Valuable Player - Joshua Fortmann
Intermediate Most Valuable Player - Flynn Green
Most Promising Junior Player - Anotida Bvunzawabaya
Touch Football Player of the Year - Heath Rankmore
Girls Soccer
Most Improved Junior Player - Dakota Walters
Most Improved Intermediate Player - Scarlett Slater
Most Improved Senior Player - Emma Radford
Most Valuable Junior Player - Kasey Smith
Most Valuable Intermediate Player - Leila Slattery
Most Promising Junior Player - Esme Wyer
Soccer Player of the Year - Kate Murton
Boys Indoor Cricket
Most Improved Junior Player - Marcus Hajdukovic
Most Improved Intermediate Player - Harry Boulter
Most Improved Senior Player - Hayden Elliott
Most Valuable Junior Player - Sullivan Clark
Most Promising Junior Player - Tommy Ryan
Cricket Player of the Year - Mitchell Kennedy
Cross Country
Most Improved Junior - Jacob Pesut
Most Improved Senior - Bethany Kelso
Most Promising Junior - Caiden MacFarlane
Cross Country Runner of the Year - Mitchell Kennedy


Term 2

Year 3/4 Encouragement Award - Jennalee Robertson
Year 3/4 Team Player - Tahlia Crowther
Year 5/6 Encouragement Award - Lily Daniels
Year 5/6 Team Player - Amali Yusuf
Most Valuable Player - Oskar Hajdukovic
Touch Football
Year 3/4 Gold Encouragement Award - Jack Anderson
Year 3/4 Gold Team Player - Jack Giddings
Year 3/4 Green Encouragement Award - Harrison Brittain
Year 3/4 Green Team Player - Leo Schenk
Year 5/6 Green Encouragement Award - Isla Tobin
Year 5/6 Green Team Player - Stella Micjan
Year 5/6 Gold Encouragement Award - Lucynda Whittaker
Year 5/6 Gold Team Player - Jake Pilkington
Year 5/6 Navy Encouragement Award - Oscar Wheeler
Year 5/6 Navy Team Player - Imogen McConnell
Most Valuable Player - Chase Neilan
Cross Country
Primary Encouragement Award - Melita Dodd
Best Primary Runner - Jackson Cahill