Nov 22, 2022

Sharing the road safely with trucks | Hanson Quarry Workshop

The Year 11 cohort recently participated in a valuable road safety workshop conducted by Hanson (Wolfdene Quarry). Many of our senior students have recently received their driver's licenses and the workshop was the ideal time to teach them how to safely share the road with trucks.

Hanson Quarries have been a long-time supporter of road safety and have worked closely with the College for nearly a decade. The session combined a theoretical and practical approach to learning with students discussing braking distances, blind spots, situation awareness, tailgating, turning circles and overtaking.

The highlight of the presentation was the unique opportunity to sit in a B Double Truck and experience visibility and operation from a driver's perspective.

Thank you to Hanson for their ongoing support of the College and for educating our youth on the importance of sharing the road with trucks.