July 21, 2023

RMC Grade of Origin: The Battle for Bragging Rights

The competition for claiming the Grade of Origin is a battle that everyone wants to win. It's a matter of bragging rights and this year’s competition kicked off in spectacular fashion. Joining the reigning champions of 2022, the Year 11s teamed up with the legendary Year 7s to take on an eager team of Year 6 and Year 12 students.

With boot to ball, the players weaved and darted their way from one end of the field to the other to break through the defending line. On the edge of their seats, spectators cheered their teams from the sidelines.

Players and spectators powered up at half time with Zooper Doopers, restocking their energy in anticipation of a memorable conclusion to the nail-biting match.

Victors from 2022, the Year 7s talked the talk and walked the walk as they left the field with their brothers and sisters in arms, victorious for another year.

Congratulations to all students and staff who were involved in creating another memorable milestone. We eagerly await the next showdown of camaraderie and community spirit.