Sept 16, 2022

QUT 'Future You' STEM Summit

High achieving Year 11 students, Renae Goethals and Bianca Young, have been accepted into QUT’s 'Future You' STEM Summit program.

Entry to the program is based on a student's academic achievements and their passion for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. Renae and Bianca will join a select group of other high-achieving students across Queensland and northern NSW in a four-day on-campus program that will immerse students in the world of STEM at QUT.

Renae is enjoying her senior subjects of Engineering and Mathematics in pursuit of her goal to become a mechanical engineer and Bianca has chosen Physics, Chemistry, and Science classes to prepare her for a future in forensic science. Participating in the summit will enable the students to explore the fields of Science, Health, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics and provide a unique insight into their chosen career pathways. Engaging in university life, meeting like-minded students, and working closely with industry experts will be just some of the highlights the girls undertake.

The 'Future You' STEM Summit will take place during the Spring vacation period and we wish Bianca and Renae the very best as they embrace this exciting opportunity.