Feb 24, 2021


A recent study, reported by Independent Schools Queensland (ISQ), showed an increase in the growth of Independent schooling in Queensland during the period 2019 to 2020. Despite the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, enrolment numbers were strengthened through this timeframe with a 4.5% growth, equating to more than 130,000 students across the Independent sector. The search for quality education remained a high priority for parents despite the global disruptions and economic impact experienced by families.

When visiting our campus, prospective families are very forthcoming with their feedback and amongst the most common responses to a College tour include the attractive, tranquil and very natural learning environment, the outstanding facilities provided and the array of cocurricular opportunities afforded to our student body.  Essentially, a Rivermount education is seen as providing high quality learning as well as offering the important balance of sport and cocurricular activities. Educators are quick to agree that participation in activities outside the classroom encourages better performance in academic pursuits as well as contributing to the development of the whole child, including health, physical and emotional wellbeing and cognitive and social development.

Rivermount College is a proud member of the GBC (Greater Brisbane Conference) Interschool Sporting Competition. The competition provides students with the opportunity to participate in a variety of sports played on a Saturday morning at various locations around Logan and South Brisbane. Active involvement in this sporting program ensures our students are challenged to develop their skills and abilities as well as build team and school spirit.

The Association was founded in 2014 and Rivermount College has been an active participant since this time. This year we welcomed our Primary School students, from Year 3 to Year 6, to compete in the Association. Seven member schools are currently participating including The Springfield Anglican College, Faith Lutheran College (Plainland), Redeemer Lutheran College, Sheldon College and the more recent additions – Ambrose Treacy College and Brigidine College.

Term One of the GBC competition is now well underway in the sports of Secondary Boys and Girls AFL9s, Secondary Boys Volleyball, Secondary Girls Basketball and mixed AFL9s and mixed Indoor Cricket for our Primary students. The introduction of AFL9s for the first time has proven very popular with the College fielding several enthusiastic and talented teams in the competition.

In the Primary School GBC competition, students enjoy a focus on participation with a noticeable improvement in skill development evident each round. For the Secondary students, competition is heating up in the race towards premiership honours with fifteen RMC teams participating. The College has hosted two competition rounds to date against Sheldon College and Faith Lutheran College (Plainland). With the return of spectators to matches, the campus is a fantastic hive of energy at home games.

Congratulations to all students that have elected to represent the College in GBC sport this term and we look forward to an exciting and nail-biting competition. For more information on the GBC competition, visit the Association website at https://www.gbcsport.com.au/

Please enjoy a snapshot of the first few weeks of competition and training for our GBC teams below.