Mar 25, 2022

Principal’s Awards and Primary Sports Awards

Yesterday we recognised and congratulated our Primary and Secondary students who received Principal’s Awards for the month of March.

In the Primary School we also recognised the exceptional efforts of our Primary students who received Sports Awards for Term 1.

Congratulations to all award winners!

Principal's Awards


PA Zoe Cuthbert

PB Beatrice Stahelin-Hall

PC Benjamin Grant

1A Elsie Vearing

1B Rhys Hamilton

1C Nadine Cornish

2A Ellie McLuckie

2B Jaydha Mortyne

2C Vesper Gerding Faivre

3A Audrey Lalot

3B Vaughn Allen

3C Farron Finnerty-Doyle

4A Jennalee Robertson

4B Aria Rivers

4C Jasmine Hall

5A Sophie Michalas

5B Billie Thompson

5D Alice Beckton

6A Hunter Tamou

6B Jade Saathoff-Thies

Silver Academic Commendation Award Riley Holtmann


7B Sarah Baruksopulo

7C Jake Frankling

7A Alex Gomez

7D Cameron Hopkins

8C Hannah Goethals

8A Mikayla Hope

8C Grace Hoppe

8C Emma Johnson

8D Tyson Morton

8B Kyeson Stewart

8D Harley Stone

8A Kirstin Van Tonder

9D Sophie Anderson

9D Sullivan Clark

9C Emily Crowther

9B Joshua Fortmann

9C Billy Herbert

9A Imogen Hohnke

9B Liam Whawell

9A Esme Wyer

10B Sienna Barney

10A Ethan Chapman-Posthuma

10A Byron Coutts

10C Corey Fry

10A Corey Mason

11A Harry Boulter

11C Leilani Freedman

11A Flynn Green

11A Richelle Kontos

11A Ryhan Morgan

11B Ruby Reid

11B Zara Sypkens

12C Ethan Burnett

12B Amy Furness

12B Oscar Hohnke

12A Charli Johnstone

12B Emily Lock

12C Brooke Payne

12B Kiarra Roberts

12B Emily Woodcock

Primary Sports Awards


