Feb 01, 2024

Outstanding outcomes from the Class of 2023

In addition to the anticipation that comes with the Induction of a new cohort of Year 12 students, the start of each year also brings opportunity to reflect upon the achievements of the previous year’s graduates following the Christmas holiday release of ATAR scores and tertiary placement offers. This year there is much to celebrate with the College’s 2023 cohort of Year 12s performing exceptionally well. In credit to individual students’ dedication, and the support of their families and their teachers, our 2023 cohort saw over 30% of students achieving an ATAR of above 90, placing them in the top 10% of the state. Not only this, but we had two students within the 99 ATAR band, placing them in the top 1% and top 0.5% of students in Queensland, and we look forward to recognising these two students, the 2023 Dux and Dux Proxime of the College, at the upcoming Academic Commendations Assembly.

In terms of tertiary offers, over 90% of 2023 graduates received their first preference and we similarly look forward to hearing of their future successes as these students continue in their studies, predominantly in the fields of Science, Medicine, Education and IT. However, with 60% of students achieving at least one, and in many cases multiple, Vocation Education and Training Certificate and/or Diploma qualifications, the future pathway opportunities are plentiful for students, regardless of their intentions in relation to further study.

While certainly each group of students is unique, these outcomes represent reassurance of the College’s provision of a Senior School program that allows for outstanding academic success, both for individual students and a collective cohort. As a College community, our congratulations go to all those students who have seen their hard work realised and recognised through these outcomes.

Meredith Walker, Head of Curriculum