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June 20, 2023

Kensi Lamprecht awarded for her creative writing

Year 5 Rivermount College student and Girl Guides Queensland member, Kensi Lamprecht, has written her way into award status in a state-wide competition backed by The Governor of Queensland.

The creative writing competition, ‘Girl Scribes!’, requires entrants to devise a poem under the theme of ‘What makes Queensland great’. Kensi’s entry focuses on the environmental aspect of our state and the mateship of the people who are connected to our community. Judged by the Girl Guides Queensland State Commissioner, Kensi was selected for a Highly Commended award in her 5 to 9 years age division.

It is great to see Kensi’s passion for writing and we look forward to discovering where it will take her in the future. Congratulations Kensi.

Exploring What Makes Queensland Great

The environment is clean,

littering is very mean.

Planting more trees,

the air we use to breathe.

People make Queensland great,

because we are all mates.

All wildlife is calm,

but not to harm.

We all live in peace,

because of meet and greet.

All the great people and places,

all of the lovely faces.

We all feel happy because of each other.

— Kensi Lamprecht