Mar 22, 2021

Halogen Leadership Conference

The College Leadership Team recently attended the 2021 Halogen Leadership Conference at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre. 

The Halogen program was established to positively inspire and influence today’s youth by developing their leadership potential and skills. Halogen invites prominent leaders from all walks of life to be part of The National Young Leaders Day and the Leadership Conference is an integral part of this event.

Our Leadership Team heard from several highly successful leaders including His Excellency General the Honourable David Hurley, Lachie Smart, the youngest person to circumnavigate the globe by plane, Anastasia Woolmer, a champion memory athlete and Darius Boyd ex-captain of the Broncos, Queensland and Australian representative player.

The following comments from members of the Leadership Team highlight the value of the conference in inspiring our students:

"I liked what His Excellency General the Honourable David Hurley said: You need an ego to lead, but don't lead for your ego. He really made me think about how you need to be confident to lead, but you shouldn't use it to boost your confidence." Joe Spencer, Academic Captain.

"The lesson that has resonated with me the most was Lachie Smart's encouragement that falling short of your goals isn't failure; it's a process." Chelsea Dodd, Sports Captain.

"It was really educational; I learnt a lot of cool things. It has really inspired me to go and help more people in our community." Kaila Knight, Wellbeing Captain.
