Mar 10, 2023

Grade of Origin 2023 | Soccer - Year 6 vs Year 7

During lunchtime yesterday, the College oval came to life with RMC spectators and sports fans as students from Year 6 and Year 7 battled it out in a competitive game of soccer. The stakes were high; there was pride on the line, Zooper Doopers for all, and plenty of Year 6 supporters with sign cards and chants to cheer their team to potential victory!

In a tough contest in trickling rain which made the slides and trick passes even more impressive, Year 7 led the first half. The spirit of the Year 6’ers lifted after the half-time whistle and they came back fighting in the second half, falling short only one goal to go down in a stunning victory to the Year 7’s of 3-2.

With plenty of action and enthusiasm on show, both on-field and on the sidelines, it was evident the real winner of the day was teamwork and community spirit. Congratulations Year 7 on taking out the honours of being Grade of Origin for 2023.