Oct 12, 2022

Grade of Origin 2022

The recent RMC Grade of Origin saw our Year 7 and Year 11 students team up against our Year 6 and Year 12 students for a competitive lunchtime game of Soccer (Football).

Despite the wet weather, spirits remained high with all players fired up to secure the title of 2022 Champions. With a few clever kicks, passes and slides the '7elevens' held the lead at halftime with the score at 1-0. With fresh enthusiasm, the '6twelves' team was ready for action in the second half, bringing the score quickly to 1-1.

The final seconds of the match provided nail-biting action when the ball passed across '7eleven's' goal and was booted into the net, giving victory to the '6twelves'.

Impressive skills, entertaining action and spectator enthusiasm ensured the match was a success, yet it was the genuine teamwork demonstrated by our Primary and Secondary combination teams that will be the most memorable aspect of Grade of Origin 2022.