June 15, 2022

Foundation Day 2022 | Celebrating 30 years of Rivermount

Our annual Foundation Day is an important event for the College community and this year we enthusiastically celebrated 30 years of operation. As part of this historic milestone, students and staff gathered for a special commemorative photo before enjoying a variety of activities that engaged the College community. Following the formal assembly proceedings, students enjoyed a complimentary sausage sizzle, face painting and craft activities organised by our Wellbeing Team on the College Green. The event also provided an opportunity to acknowledge staff who have provided 10 and 20 years of service to the College.

The focus of this year’s Foundation Day celebrations was Reconciliation. Since its inception, the College has been committed to building bridges between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians. The mission of the Founders was to create a school that would promote a greater awareness of Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders, their history, conditions and general welfare and education. It would promote harmonious relationships and the co-existence of Indigenous and non-Indigenous people alike, as well as the elimination of cultural alienation, racism and negative social attitudes. This vision came to realisation through the dedication of the Founding Patron of the College, the late Dr Neville Bonner AO who was instrumental in encouraging the community's commitment to Indigenous education.

In his address to the community, College Principal, Mr Richard Young, shared the story of Dr Bonner’s involvement in guiding the mission of the Founders. The past 30 years have seen this vision become a reality and as we celebrate this important milestone in our journey, reconciliation, social justice and cross-cultural connection remain a fundamental objective and purpose for the College community.